DataTouch Lands on First Data Centre Project in Indonesia
Being the first to adopt DataScope’s planning software in Indonesia, Obayashi reveal the reasons for switching to a digital solution for their DABs meetings.
DataScope was appointed by Obayashi to install our revolutionary DataTouch, to suit the needs of their hyperscale data centre project’s requirements. Obayashi was not only the first Indonesian firm to collaborate with us, this was one of the very first projects in the Asian Pacific region to use DataScope’s DABs software.
We spoke with Site Manager, Christopher Sinuhaji, to find out why DataTouch was introduced to the project, how the team adjusted to the system and the advantages of incorporating a digital solution to their DABs meetings.
The Challenge
Fully manual process
The project team would rely on whiteboards during their daily activity briefings, with the aim to capture project plans and draw attention to hazardous areas on site where workers will take extra precaution.
While this was an effective manual process, the team came to the conclusion a fully digital process would ensure all activity briefings were stored in one place and most importantly, ensure safety and structure amongst the workforce.
Health & Safety Assurance
It was essential to have a structured solution in place that would highlight all high-risk zones and hazardous activities on site to keep in line with vital health and safety procedures.
Provide a digital alternative
Strengthen safety checks & procedures
Boost engagement during DABs
Our Solution
Digitising the entire DABs process
DataScope introduced DataTouch to modernise the daily meetings being carried out with an aim to drive further efficiency and productivity across the project.
The Obayashi team installed DataTouch on an interactive touch screen TV in their meeting room that would allow them to drag and drop tasks of work directly onto a site drawing as part of their DABs meeting. With a High-Risk Activity Management feature highlighting hazardous activities, areas or exclusion zones, the team could make sure nothing was overlooked.
This digital solution would not only enhance project planning and coordination with the wide variety of planning tools included, this was an opportunity to boost engagement of all those working on the project, making sure everyone was well informed of progress and updates.
![DataTouch scene](
The Result
Enhanced communication and efficiency
One of the main outcomes gained from implementing DataTouch was the improved quality of communication and collaboration amongst the project team. This would ensure the workforce were fully aware of responsibilities and concern areas, therefore, reducing the risk of clashes or incidents.
The time spent carrying out daily activity briefings had significantly reduced since taking the process digital. This would allow for more valuable time to be put towards the project and for the workforce to be on site.
Positive response from the workforce
Initially there was a lot of curiosity and interest shown by the team when DataTouch was first introduced. After installation and training, the whole team adapted well to the change and to this day enjoy using the interactive planning software on a daily basis.
Applying the Solution Elsewhere
Introduce to new projects
Christopher and his colleagues are keen to introduce the system to further projects after recognising the benefits that come with a digital process. There are plans to incorporate Digital Permits, making it easier and quicker for project teams to complete the permit approval process.