
DataWall provides large scale live project data visualisation. It has been developed to create a visual Control Tower solution for large construction projects. DataWall effectively lets the user build multi view dashboard templates which can comprise of a number of different data feeds. (DataScope, Clients feeds, PowerBi etc.).

DataWall is supplied with our switching App that allows the user to instantly switch between templates using their smartphone.

Project Data Visualisation for Construction Site Management

Solution Overview

DataWall is a visual Control Tower Solution that effectively lets the user build multi view dashboard templates which can comprise of a number of different data feeds such as:

  • Dashboards
  • Live Site information
  • News feeds
  • Video playback
  • Social media feeds
  • And much more.

DataWall multiple screens creates single seamless display, bringing together project data in a customisable format controlled through a few clicks on your mobile, tablet or laptop. The solution is supplied with a switching app that allows the user to instantly switch between templates using their smartphone, tablet or laptop allowing for greater flexibility. Our flexible interface means that individual displays and widgets can be customised or altered at any time using our purpose-built software.

How it Integrates

DataWall will visualise all your project data collected and consolidated from DataScope’s range of products such as:




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